Hashimoto's Thyroiditis - A New Path of Learning and Discovery - Part 2

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Continued from Hashimoto's Thyroiditis - A New Path of Learning and Discovery - Part 1

Understanding the Mind - Body - Brain connection in Hashimoto’s within a 2 phases and 8 milestones approach [1]

1. Symptoms

Symptoms are our body’s way of telling us all is not well. We would be well advised to listen and pay attention.

As mentioned in part 1 symptoms include cycles of hyperthyroid - anxiety, insomnia, diarrhoea, weight loss followed by periods of depression, fatigue, constipation, weight gain (hypothyroid). Many more may also be experienced “300+ Hypothyroid symptoms” [3].

Awareness of the mind - brain - body connection [1], [4] enhances our healing, removes fear of symptoms and enables us to understand why the body is responding in a particular way.

When we are in stress phase (active conflict) we may not be aware of symptoms as we are too busy. This is the time when we have compulsive thinking, feel restless, our body temperature is colder, and we experience sleep difficulties as we focus on trying to make sense of what happened.

When we find a solution for the shock we experienced (our regeneration trigger), we enter the regeneration phase of healing. Now we can experience many symptoms. This is the phase of inflammation, swelling, pain, and heat in our body, fever, and fatigue. Our thoughts become more fuzzy and we may have headaches. We now tend to pay attention, as we are meant to - our body is telling us to nourish, rest and repair.

If the traumatic event (conflict) is repeated, healing is interrupted. Multiple re-triggering creates a chronic process and the cycling symptoms of Hashimoto’s.

Understanding and acceptance of this natural biological process without fear empowers us to support our healing and restoration of our health. We can also reduce our symptoms in many other ways from the food we eat, resting, calming ourselves, and a wide range of techniques and therapies for example Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT [5]) and Matrix Reimprinting [6].

2. Organ Tissue

Primarily, Hashimoto’s is a disease of the immune response, then the thyroid gland. When these two systems are involved, the whole body is potentially affected as the thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate our metabolic rate and influence every other organ function. The adrenal glands, cortisol levels, ‘leaky gut’ and certain body enzymes are also intricately associated [7].

Nourishing and supporting the body is vital and includes working with the body’s energy system. Learning to sense and feel our energy can guide us in creating balance, optimum health, joy and vitality (Donna Eden [8]). Visualising, feeling, focusing breathing and connection with the thyroid gland and sending love and gratitude, can get congested energy moving.

3. Emotions

Our emotions, central in our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and actions, are signals that flood our system and affect the chemistry and electricity of every body cell and the world outside us (Candice Pert [9]). Everything we experience and feel in our life is stored in our subconscious mind. A memory frozen in time, with all the nuances of sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and feelings remembered depending on the impact of each sense. Our emotions are subjective and are based on our own unique perception, a way to help us communicate what we feel about certain situations, people, and things.

The emotions usually associated with Hashimoto’s are around our self worth (pride and shame), and fear/anxiety. For some this fear is of something or someone coming towards us which we are unable to do anything about, feeling of being vulnerable, helpless and powerless. Others may experience the need to go faster, do better, due to the fear of what happens if we are not quick or smart enough. Emotions such as grief, anger, bitterness may also arise.

From a mind - brain - organ root cause perspective, feeling, exploring, and releasing the emotions attached to traumatic memories is an essential part of the healing process. Techniques such as Matrix Reimprinting and Emotional Freedom Technique, are gentle, loving, caring ways to explore traumatic experiences, to transform beliefs and gain new meaning, resolution and healing.

In part 3 we continue to explore Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis within the Meta-Health 8 milestone approach.

A full references list is provided with part 4.


Hashimoto's Thyroiditis - A New Path of Learning and Discovery - Part 3


Hashimoto's Thyroiditis - A New Path of Learning and Discovery - Part 1