Meditative Connection During Pregnancy
Gaylene Hansen Gaylene Hansen

Meditative Connection During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time of many changes on physical, psychological, social and spiritual levels. Taking time to rest comfortably and tune into these changes, your body and your little one can be very special. A gift to you and your growing in utero baby of peace and tranquility in your day. An opportunity to go further on your journey of your learning and discovery … growing, and preparing yourself in becoming a mother of this precious little one.

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Nurturing Newborn Infants Skin to Skin
Gaylene Hansen Gaylene Hansen

Nurturing Newborn Infants Skin to Skin

As a neonatal nurse and health coach, my research and experience of observing well, less well and premature infants has repeatedly shown me that skin to skin is where a newborn infant prefers, and needs, to be.

Skin to skin provides a wonderful way to calmly transition from life in the womb to the outside world.

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Caring for Parents
Gaylene Hansen Gaylene Hansen

Caring for Parents

Navigating being a new mother or father

Life can be challenging at times and we do not have a step by step guide for every situation we find ourselves in.
Parenting is like a dance of observation, interaction and response in meeting our own and our babies and children’s needs. As each child is a unique individual one style of parenting does not fit all.

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Loving Connection
Gaylene Hansen Gaylene Hansen

Loving Connection

Connecting with ourselves and others

We find ourselves in interesting times. For many, a time of confusion, uncertainty and challenges on multiple levels. What does all this create for us as social beings with a survival need for love and connection at both an individual, and a collective level.

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Baby Wisdom
Gaylene Hansen Gaylene Hansen

Baby Wisdom

What babies can teach us.

Each newborn infant has their own unique cues and behaviour to enable them to interact with their world. When we recognise these subtle cues there is so much we can learn, not only in communicating with a newborn, but also how we might engage with one another throughout child and adulthood.

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