Helping Kids with Mental Health Issues: Can it really start in utero or at birth?
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Join Sharon King, Sonja Courtis and Gaylene Hansen as they discuss:
Anxiety, ADD, ADHD, Self Harming, Addictions and other mental health issues that may have been created in utero or at birth.
Why this happens and how you can help your child using EFT, Matrix Reimprinting and Matrix Birth Reimprinting.
ACE's (Adverse Childhood Experiences Study) and how they contribute to addictions, weight issues, physical illnesses etc later in life.
Did you know that a research study shows that 80% of 7 year old Christchurch children, have anxiety? These children were in utero during the Christchurch earthquakes. Many of these families relocated to Nelson and other areas in New Zealand.
What traumatic memories do they still carry, and how is this affecting their life?
Gaylene shares her extensive knowledge about premature babies and what their needs are to promote healthy development.
Your speakers:
Sharon King: Author of Heal Your Birth, Heal Your Life and creator of Matrix Birth Reimprinting and
Gaylene Hansen: Neonatal Nurse, former Midwife and Matrix Birth Reimprinting practitioner.
Sonja Courtis: EFT / Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner
“With Matrix Birth Reimprinting you can go back to the womb and reimprint your birth experience, which will change your energy levels, mood, and wellbeing in the present. Using EFT and Matrix Reimprinting we can go back and release the emotions connected to these traumas and create a whole new experience and belief system. Using a specially designed technique we can recreate the birth process and experience the special bonding process that is natural to every mother and child, if the right circumstances are presented to them at birth.”